FlashPure Cartridges

High performance and versatility

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Get the most out of your flash application by choosing the FlashPure cartridges, developed for optimum performance and complex needs.

Benefits :-
•  Broad range of different normal and reversed phases
•  Different sizes for scalability from milligrams to grams
•  Spherical particles for fast separations and high loadings
High Performance
•  Faster evaporation due to smaller fraction volumes
•  High resolution of separation due to high quality silica and small particle size distributions
•  Increased fraction purity due to better separation
•  Choice of hardware formats for compatibility with all flash systems
•  Reproducible performance

Features :-
•  FlashPure Stationary Phases
– Maximizes recovery of target molecules

 Ideal for
   Silica  Conventional applications, polar compounds
   Alumina  Polar compounds
   C18  Non-polar compounds
   C18-WP  A high resolution Wide Pore media for large molecule purification, ideal for peptides, proteins, lipids
   Amino  Better peak shapes with polar and basic compounds, ideal for carbohydrates
   Diol  Alternate selectivity for a variety of polarity types, ideal for lipids

•  Non RFID Tagged Cartridges: Universal Usage
•  FlashPure
–  General purpose cartridges for normal phase applications
•  FlashPure Select
–  Recommended for demanding purifications
–  Superior performance with small, spherical particles•  No more column storage
•  FlashPure EcoFlex
–  Best economic solution and maximum flexibility in terms of media and hardware
–  Wide range of hardware formats for compatibility with all flash systems
•  RFID Tagged Cartridges: Easy Handling in Combination with a Reveleris® System
•  FlashPure ID
–  C18 with wide pores (C18-WP) for peptide applications
–  Different normal and reversed phases
•  FlashPure ID HP
–  Narrow particle size distribution
–  Smaller particles for more demanding normal phase applications

Order now

To make your order, please contact us at  info@polyscientific.com.my or call us at +6 06 3350 690

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