Pump Module C-601 / C-605
The pump modules C-601 and C-605 are the core components of the BUCHI Sepacore® Chromatography systems. Whatever the application in isocratic or gradient mode is, the modules provide a reproducible and pulse free flow rate.
Benefits :-
• Configuration adjusted to your needs and budget
• Easily upgradeable: isocratic to gradient or manual to computer control
Small and Powerful
• Pulse free solvent delivery using a 3-piston pump head
• Plug and play portable unit
• Smallest footprint with flow rate up to 250 mL/min
• Free choice of solvents thanks to inert pump head material
• Multiple control modes according to the application
• Reliable flow rate up to 50 bar
Features :-
• Functional principle C-601 / C-605
– The use of two pump modules enables the formation of a binary gradient.
– The solvents enter the pump heads via the aspiration tubing (input) (solvent A and B).
– The FEP tubing guides the solvent to the mixing chamber with integrated pressure sensor and from there via the injection system on to the column via the pressure tubing (output).
– The Pump Manager C-615 regulates the flow rate of the pump modules 1 and 2 and monitors the current pressure.
– The maximum pressure for Pump Module C-601 is 10 bar (145 psi) and for Pump Module C-605 50 bar (725 psi). In addition, a variety of programs and settings
enables the selection of flow rate, pressure, time and gradient of the solvents.
Order now
To make your order, please contact us at info@polyscientific.com.my or call us at +6 06 3350 690